Code of Ethics

These canons formulate the guiding principles of professional conduct for ACF Consulting Foresters in their relations with each other, their employers, the public and with other foresters. Observance of these canons secures decent and honorable professional and human relationships, establishes enduring mutual confidence and respect, and enables the profession to give its maximum service.

These canons have been adopted by the membership of the Association and can only be amended by the membership. These canons apply to all membership categories. Procedures for processing charges of violation of these canons are available from the ACF National Office. All members upon joining the Association agree to abide by this code as a condition of membership.

Professional Life

Dealing With The Public

Dealing With Clients, Principals, and Employers

Dealing With Professional Foresters

Adopted by the Association of Consulting Foresters by Member Referendum, November 11, 1976, replacing the Code adopted November 11, 1948. The 1976 Code was amended May 31, 1992.